The Mustard Seed

The Mustard Seed

Thursday, October 17, 2013

A few simple actions done with a Compassion

When a 10 year old girl named Paula arrived at the Mustard Seed in April,she was an emaciated little girl covered in sores and suffering from acute malutrition. When I gave her a pair of shoes to wear, she could not put them on due to a serious fungal infection. Becuase Paula has been living in extreme poverty, all she has been able to get to eat was maize meal. This has left her protein starved and anaemic. One day when I began to raise my hand to fix her hair, she whimpered and her body started shaking. At this time, I knew that she was also physically abused. Now that she knows that I am here to help and not hurt her, she clings onto me and became very angry when other children needed a hug. I have became the only constant in her life. And to top it off, Paula was! constantly being bullied by her peers because she has incontinent issues.

This precious girl needed care, love and support in order to live! So, the Mustard Tree started feeding her fortified porridge and malt with vitamins added. That is as far as our finances would go. Every now and then I would slip her some brown bread with peanut butter on. As I help her with homework daily, she tells me stories of her life which includes terror, insecurity, and low self worth. To help her realize that she is important, I told her of another that suffered and was rejected by almost all He know - Jesus. Paula was so special that this Jesus suffered just for her!

All these things have helped this little angel named Paula begin to see herself as worthwhile and valuable, "A Child of God". She is healthy, on medication, and her incontinence has subsided. Though Paula has a long way to go, I know that with the help of the Mustard Seed ministry, showing her the love of Jesus, and constant prayer, she is well on her way! A precious little life is now living normally and has developed a gurgling little happy laugh. All this took was a few simple actions done with a compassion and love. If you feel the Lord Jesus placing something on your heart today like helping a elderly church member a sad young person, a sick suffering friend, or struggling neighbor, DON'T HESTITATE because your YES may also save a precious soul!

Julia O'Connell

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Mother Teresa's feet....

A couple years ago at a Christian festival I heard a talk by a man named Shane Claiborne. He is a an activist who ministers to the poor and is a bestselling author of The Irresistible Revolution. His website is

Anyway, one story he shared still rings in my mind and heart today. This was a story about when he was blessed to work alongside Mother Teresa in Calcutta:

When entering the church to worship, it was customary for everyone to remove their shoes, and it was during these times that Shane noticed that Mother Teresa's feet were very deformed. So deformed, in fact, that Shane thought that it was perhaps due to leprosy.

But, he didn't dare ask her.

One day, while talking to one of the other sisters, the subject came up. The sister asked if Shane had noticed Mother Teresa's feet. She went on to tell him that they get donations of shoes only once and a while, and there are only just enough for each person to get one pair. When the shipments come in, mother Teresa would sort through all the shoes. She would look for the worst for wear pair, and then she would claim them for herself.

Mother Teresa never wanted anyone to wear a pair of shoes that were in worse shape than her own.

Hearing this story brought tears to my eyes and still does. Mother Terasa was a true servant of Christ, living like Christ and loving like Christ. I can't imagine wearing shoes that are so dilapidated that it would make my feet deformed. The pain she must have experienced for years.

This picture shows one of the Qwa Qwa children and his shoes.

As you can see, the Qwa Qwa children are in need of shoes. Some of them don't even have shoes like this. Miss Julia would like to give each of her Qwa Qwa children a new pair of shoes, a nice pair of socks and a school supply kit for Christmas. Friends, Christmas is 76 days away and she needs 65!! I know that I am not as selfless as Mother Teresa, wearing the worst so another can have better. But, I can put a new pair of shoes on the feet of one Qwa Qwa child!!!!!! How about you???

It is only a $20 donation for 1 pair of new shoes, a pair of nice socks and a school kit! This will make a poor Qwa Qwa orphan feel loved, proud, and happy. Please pray about it and see if the Holy Spirit is calling you to help 1 Qwa Qwa child this Christmas.

“Mother Theresa always said, "Calcuttas are everywhere if only we have eyes to see. Find your Calcutta.”
― Shane Claiborne, The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical