The Mustard Seed

The Mustard Seed

Friday, August 15, 2014

This is WHY...

...  the Mustard Seed is in great need of a chest freezer,

This picture of ants attacking what it left over from the feeding program.

As our ministry grows,so our needs so we can serve God's children here in South Africa.  We are, by Gods Grace, running a much needed food program for the village children every afternoon. We prayed for
huge pots, another stove and enough food to feed 60 children everyday. God has answered our plea.  For most of these children, this is the only meal they receive all day. We never know who will be sitting down at The Mustard Seeds new tables.  In village life here, there are never clear boundaries in these little chaotic lives. Every morning,  I cook a huge pot of vegetable stew, and another pot of rice or samp. Sometimes it is not enough.  But often, the number drops and only 40 arrive for a meal. This can be due to rain, funerals, chores or sickness. Having no other option,the extra food is left out, in the big pots, for the following day.I am greeted next morning by two large pots filled with crawling ants. This precious food must now be thrown away, much to the village dogs delight. I know a chest deep freeze will solve my problem. Margarine dishes of left over food can be stored safely in a freezer.This has an added advantage as I will have food on standby when a hungry child comes to me, later on in the day, desperate for food. A freezer can store  extra bread that I am given for school sandwiches.  I understand times are hard and most families struggle to get through each month. But I am turning to you, as it just takes many people giving very little to make this a reality. This is a need to feed His hungry in a sensible and cost effective manner.  It is never easy to ask for help, but where His children are concerned I can do it. God Bless 

If you feel called to help us get a freezer, you can donate through the PAYPAL button on the side of our blog.

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